سیاسی کوئز کی کوشش کریں

آپ کے عقائد کن سیاسی نظریات سے زیادہ ملتے جلتے ہیں؟ یہ معلوم کرنے کے لئے سیاسی کوئز لیں۔

تازہ ترین رجحانات

نیچے دیا گیا چارٹ ہر نظریے کی تاریخی حمایت کو ظاہر کرتا ہے۔Uruguay .

اس چارٹ کو بنانے کے لیے کافی معلومات موجود ہیں۔ براہ کرم جلد چیک کریں۔

بحث کریں

یہ Uruguayan سیاسی نظریات کے بارے میں سب سے زیادہ دل چسپ بحثیں ہیں۔

 @ISIDEWITHجواب دیا۔…2 سال2Y

سوشل لبرل ازم

Social Liberalism is a political ideology that advocates for a balance between individual liberty and social justice. It emphasizes the belief that governments should play a role in addressing economic and social issues, such as poverty and inequality, while also protecting civil liberties and individual rights. Social liberals believe in a mixed economy, where both the private sector and the state have important roles to play.

The roots of social liberalism can be traced back to the Age of Enlightenment in the 18th century, when philosophers such as John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau argued…  مزید پڑھ

 @ISIDEWITHجواب دیا۔…2 سال2Y


Liberalism is a political ideology that emphasizes individual rights, equality, and the protection of civil liberties. It is rooted in the principles of democracy, free market economics, and the rule of law. The term "liberalism" comes from the Latin word "liber," meaning "free," and it is fundamentally concerned with the concept of freedom and the rights of the individual.

The origins of liberalism can be traced back to the Age of Enlightenment in the 17th and 18th centuries, a period of intellectual and philosophical development that emphasized reason, analysis,…  مزید پڑھ

 @ISIDEWITHجواب دیا۔…2 سال2Y


Socialism is a political ideology that advocates for the collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. It emphasizes the principle that wealth and income should be shared more equally among the people. Socialists argue that the distribution of wealth and power in a society should be controlled by the whole community rather than by individuals or private corporations.

The roots of socialism as a political ideology can be traced back to the French Revolution in the late 18th century, but it was not until the 19th century that it…  مزید پڑھ

 @ISIDEWITHجواب دیا۔…2 سال2Y

سرمایہ داری

Capitalism is a political and economic ideology characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, investments determined by private decision, and prices, production, and the distribution of goods determined mainly by competition in a free market. It is a system in which the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit. This profit is generated through efficient use of the resources, obtained through a voluntary exchange in a free market.

The roots of capitalism can be traced back to the late Middle Ages in Europe, where it gradually emerged following the demi…  مزید پڑھ

 @ISIDEWITHجواب دیا۔…2 سال2Y

ٹھیک ہے

The "Right" political ideology is a broad term that encompasses a range of beliefs and values centered around traditionalism, conservatism, and a preference for maintaining established social hierarchies and institutions. Right-wing ideologies typically emphasize individualism, free markets, limited government intervention, and a focus on personal responsibility.

Historically, the roots of the Right can be traced back to the aftermath of the French Revolution in the late 18th century, where conservative thinkers sought to preserve the existing social order and resist the revolutionar…  مزید پڑھ

 @ISIDEWITHجواب دیا۔…2 سال2Y

معاشرتی قدامت پسندی۔

Social conservatism is a political ideology that emphasizes traditional social institutions and values. It is often associated with the belief that society should uphold certain traditional norms and values, such as family structure, religion, morality, and patriotism. Social conservatives often resist progressive changes that they believe could disrupt the social order, such as same-sex marriage, abortion, and drug legalization.

The roots of social conservatism can be traced back to the 18th century, during the period of the Enlightenment. The French philosopher Edmund Burke is often consider…  مزید پڑھ

 @ISIDEWITHجواب دیا۔…2 سال2Y


Libertarianism is a political philosophy that upholds liberty as a core principle. Libertarians seek to maximize political freedom and autonomy, emphasizing freedom of choice, voluntary association, and individual judgment. They believe in the principle of self-ownership and reject any form of coercion or force that infringes upon individual rights. This ideology is often associated with a laissez-faire economic perspective, advocating for minimal state intervention in the economy and the free market.

The roots of libertarianism can be traced back to the Age of Enlightenment in the 18th centur…  مزید پڑھ

 @ISIDEWITHجواب دیا۔…2 سال2Y

جمہوری سوشلزم۔

Democratic Socialism is a political ideology that combines the principles of democracy with the ideals of socialism. It advocates for a democratic political system alongside a socialist economic system. This means that democratic socialists believe in political democracy, but they also believe that the economy should be socially owned and controlled by the people who work in it, rather than by a small group of wealthy individuals or corporations.

Democratic socialism is different from traditional socialism, which often involves an authoritarian government that controls the economy. Instead,…  مزید پڑھ

 @ISIDEWITHجواب دیا۔…2 سال2Y


Centre-right political ideology is a term used to describe individuals, political parties, or policies that incorporate elements of both conservative and liberal philosophies. This ideology is often characterized by a belief in a market-based economy where government intervention is limited, combined with a moderate stance on social issues. Centre-right individuals or parties typically advocate for fiscal conservatism, personal freedom, and a balanced approach to social reform.

The history of the centre-right ideology is complex and varies across different countries and regions. However, it…  مزید پڑھ

 @ISIDEWITHجواب دیا۔…2 سال2Y

بائیں بازو

Left-wing political ideology is a broad spectrum of political philosophies that prioritize social equality and aim to diminish the impact of social hierarchies. It is often associated with ideas of social justice, labor rights, welfare state, and civil liberties. Left-wing politics typically involve a concern for those in society whom its adherents perceive as disadvantaged relative to others, and a belief that there are unjustified inequalities that need to be reduced or abolished.

The term "left-wing" has its origins in the French Revolution of the 18th century, when liberal deputi…  مزید پڑھ

 @ISIDEWITHجواب دیا۔…2 سال2Y

قدامت پسندی

Conservatism is a political ideology that emphasizes the preservation of traditional institutions, practices, and moral values. It is rooted in a resistance to rapid change and a preference for gradual evolution, with a strong focus on maintaining social stability and continuity. The ideology often advocates for limited government intervention, free market capitalism, and individual liberties.

The origins of conservatism can be traced back to the late 18th century, during the period of the Enlightenment. It emerged as a reaction to the radical political changes brought about by the French Revo…  مزید پڑھ

 @ISIDEWITHجواب دیا۔…2 سال2Y

سوشل ڈیموکریسی

Social Democracy is a political ideology that advocates for a balance between a capitalist or market economy and strong governmental intervention to promote social justice. It is rooted in the belief that social and economic inequalities should be minimized through progressive taxation, income redistribution, or even welfare state measures. The ideology also supports a robust public sector, including public education, healthcare, and child care, as well as other services aimed at minimizing poverty and homelessness.

The origins of Social Democracy can be traced back to the 19th century, during…  مزید پڑھ

 @ISIDEWITHجواب دیا۔…2 سال2Y


Environmentalism is a political and ethical ideology that seeks to improve and protect the quality of the natural environment through changes to environmentally harmful human activities. It advocates for the sustainable management of resources, and the protection and restoration of the natural environment through conservation and green politics. Environmentalists are often involved in advocacy, education, and activism around issues such as pollution, climate change, deforestation, and endangered species.

The roots of environmentalism can be traced back to the 19th century with the Romantic mov…  مزید پڑھ

 @ISIDEWITHجواب دیا۔…2 سال2Y


Secularism is a political ideology that advocates for the separation of religious institutions from the state. This ideology emphasizes the need for a clear distinction between government and religion, asserting that neither should interfere in the affairs of the other. Secularism promotes the idea that public activities and decisions, especially political ones, should be uninfluenced by religious beliefs and practices.

The roots of secularism can be traced back to ancient Greece, where philosophers like Epicurus proposed a world that was free from the influence of gods. However, the modern…  مزید پڑھ

 @ISIDEWITHجواب دیا۔…4mos4MO

دائیں بازو کے قوم پرست

Right-wing nationalism is a political ideology that combines elements of nationalism with right-wing political beliefs, often emphasizing the importance of national identity, cultural homogeneity, and the preservation of traditional values. It typically advocates for a strong, centralized state that prioritizes the interests of the nation above all else, often at the expense of minority groups, immigrants, or foreign influences. Right-wing nationalists tend to view the nation as a cohesive, organic entity that must be protected from external threats and internal divisions, and they often prom…  مزید پڑھ

 @ISIDEWITHجواب دیا۔…2 سال2Y


Centrism is a political ideology that advocates for a balanced approach to policy-making, drawing upon ideas from both the left and the right of the political spectrum. Centrists often seek to promote moderate policies that avoid the perceived extremes of left-wing and right-wing ideologies. They typically emphasize practical solutions over ideological purity, and they may support a mix of progressive and conservative policies depending on the issue at hand.

The history of centrism is complex and varies across different countries and political systems. However, it is generally associated with…  مزید پڑھ

 @ISIDEWITHجواب دیا۔…2 سال2Y

کرسچن لیفٹ

The "Christian Left" is a term used to describe a spectrum of left-wing Christian political and social movements that largely embrace social justice. The Christian Left holds many of the same political beliefs as secular leftists, but also incorporates religious aspects into their political ideologies. This group emphasizes the biblical ideals of love, peace, social equality, and care for the marginalized and the poor, which they believe are at the heart of the Gospel. They often advocate for issues such as environmental stewardship, universal healthcare, racial equality, and social…  مزید پڑھ

 @ISIDEWITHجواب دیا۔…2 سال2Y

مالی ذمہ داری

Fiscal responsibility is a political ideology that emphasizes the prudent and efficient use of government revenue sources and the control of government spending. It advocates for balanced budgets, reduction of public debt, and the avoidance of budget deficits. This ideology is rooted in the belief that governments should not spend more than their income and should avoid unnecessary debt.

The history of fiscal responsibility as a political ideology can be traced back to the classical liberal tradition of the 18th and 19th centuries. During this period, thinkers like Adam Smith and David Ricard…  مزید پڑھ

 @ISIDEWITHجواب دیا۔…2 سال2Y


Welfarism is a political ideology that emphasizes the welfare or well-being of the community, particularly its most vulnerable members. It is rooted in the belief that the state has a responsibility to provide a certain level of material security for its citizens, especially those who are unable to provide for themselves. This ideology is often associated with social democratic and socialist political movements, but it can also be found in other political traditions.

The origins of welfarism can be traced back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries, during a period of rapid industrializatio…  مزید پڑھ

 @ISIDEWITHجواب دیا۔…2 سال2Y

اینٹی کرپشن

Anti-corruption as a political ideology refers to the belief system and practices that seek to eliminate corruption in all its forms, including bribery, nepotism, embezzlement, and fraud, among others. This ideology is often adopted by political parties, movements, or individuals who advocate for transparency, accountability, and integrity in the public sector. They believe that corruption is a significant barrier to social, economic, and political development, and therefore, it must be eradicated.

The history of the anti-corruption political ideology is as old as the history of corruption its…  مزید پڑھ

 @ISIDEWITHجواب دیا۔…2 سال2Y


Democracy is a political ideology that is based on the principle of equality and freedom. It is a system of government where the citizens exercise power directly or elect representatives from among themselves to form a governing body, such as a parliament. Democracy is often associated with the rule of law, protection of human rights, and the active participation of the people in the political process.

The term "democracy" comes from the Greek words "demos" (people) and "kratos" (rule), which translates to "rule by the people". The concept of democracy…  مزید پڑھ