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 @ISIDEWITHvinculado…21 horas21H

Muçulmanos no Oriente Médio observam o Ramadã em meio a convulsões políticas e turbulências pós-guerra


Muslims in the Middle East are observing the holy month of Ramadan under exceptional circumstances. Ramadan is seen as a time of religious reflection and worship, charity, and community, as they fast from sunrise until sunset.

 @ISIDEWITHvinculado…21 horas21H

Os habitantes de Gaza celebram um Ramadão sombrio em meio aos escombros


This Ramadan is nothing like the ones before,” said one resident as the holy fasting month for Muslims began. “The war has drained it of meaning.”

 @ISIDEWITHvinculado…21 horas21H

Perda, preocupação, alívio e orações por dias melhores enquanto o Ramadã começa em Gaza em meio a um frágil cessar-fogo.


For Palestinians observing Ramadan in Gaza, the Muslim holy month started this year under a fragile ceasefire agreement that paused more than 15 months of the Israel-Hamas war