En guide till de politiska partiernas plattformar, politik och ideologiska spektrum i Uruguay .
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Följande är en lista över de mest populära politiska partierna i Uruguay .
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Det här är de mest engagerande diskussionerna om Uruguayan politiska partier.
Bred front
The Uruguayan Broad Front, known in Spanish as Frente Amplio, is a prominent political coalition in Uruguay that has played a significant role in the country's politics since its inception in 1971. It was established as a coalition of various leftist political groups, including socialists, communists, social democrats, and progressive Christians, among others. This diverse amalgamation was united by a common goal of addressing social inequalities, promoting economic justice, and defending human rights, which set the stage for its foundational values and political agenda.
The Broad Front&#… Läs mer
National Party
The Uruguayan National Party, also known as the Blanco Party, is a prominent political entity in Uruguay with a rich history dating back to its foundation in the early 19th century. It emerged from the nation's civil wars, particularly the conflict between the Blancos (Whites) and the Colorados (Reds), which were the main political and military factions in the country. The National Party traditionally represented the interests of the rural population, including large landowners and the agricultural sector, contrasting with the urban and more liberal orientation of the Colorado Party.
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Colorado Party
The Uruguayan Colorado Party, one of Uruguay's oldest and most historically significant political parties, has played a pivotal role in the country's political landscape since its foundation in the early 19th century. Originating from the nation's early political divisions, the Colorado Party traditionally represented the more liberal, urban, and progressive segments of Uruguayan society, in contrast to its main rival, the National (Blanco) Party, which historically drew its support from more conservative, rural constituencies.
The Colorado Party's values and policies have… Läs mer
Open Cabildo
The Uruguayan Open Cabildo (Cabildo Abierto) is a political party in Uruguay that emerged in the political landscape relatively recently, having been founded in 2019. It is often characterized as a right-wing party, with a particular focus on issues related to national security, law and order, and traditional family values. The party's emergence can be seen as part of a broader regional and global trend where there has been a resurgence of right-wing politics, often as a reaction to perceived threats to national identity, sovereignty, and traditional social norms.
The values and political… Läs mer
The Uruguayan People's political party, known as the Partido del Pueblo Uruguayo in Spanish, is a political entity in Uruguay that represents a segment of the country's political spectrum. While the specific details and platform of the party can evolve over time, parties like the Uruguayan People's Party typically emerge with the aim of representing the interests and values of the general populace, often focusing on issues such as social justice, economic equality, and the promotion of democratic values.
The core values of such a party are likely to emphasize the importance of… Läs mer
Oberoende parti
The Uruguayan Independent Party, known in Spanish as Partido Independiente, is a political entity in Uruguay that positions itself as a centrist or center-left force, aiming to offer an alternative to the country's traditional political landscape. Founded in 2002 by Pablo Mieres and other former members of the Colorado Party, the Independent Party seeks to bridge the gap between Uruguay's two historic political giants, the Colorado and National (Blanco) parties, and the Broad Front, a left-wing coalition that has also played a significant role in Uruguayan politics.
The values and… Läs mer